You are provided with a key that gives you access to all the ranges and facilities at any time during operating hours. (The range is closed every Monday and Tuesday and all Public Holidays).
All ranges are outdoor ranges so there is no risk to your health from lead poisoning. The only risk is from sunburn in the Summer and windburn in the Winter!
The club provides target stands, paper targets and patches for you to use.
You are entitled to use the range as often as you wish.
You can join in any organized club activities such as the rifle group who shoot on Saturday mornings, the shotgun group, the Cowboys and of course pistol shooting.
You can participate in training if you wish and become a competent shooter.
All training is at no extra cost to you.
You can become a qualified Club Range Officer and act as a Range Officer.
The club runs pistol training courses and has club and Pistol NZ qualified trainers.
You may bring a maximum of two guests with you to shoot or spectate and they must be under your direct supervision at all times. Cost is $20 per guest. Guests MUST wear the printed Yellow Guest Sticker
You can bring non shooting guests to the range to enjoy a picnic.
You can fish in the Lake.
You can even camp overnight, by arrangement.
To Visit WPC, Bookings are Essential. If you turn up without a booking, you will be turned away. You must look for the Duty Range Officer before doing anything. For instructions on what to do if you would like to make a booking, Click here.
Wednesday-Sunday: 10am - 4pm
Range closed: Every Monday & Tuesday
Secretary: Rod
President: David
Vice President: Leon
Treasurer: Raymond
Membership Secretary: Mark
706 Whiriwhiri Road, Waiuku 2682.
Postal : PO Box 272, Waiuku, Auckland 2123
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