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Benefits of Membership

  • You are provided with a key that gives you access to all the ranges and facilities at any time during operating hours. (The range is closed every Monday and Tuesday and all Public Holidays).


  • All ranges are outdoor ranges so there is no risk to your health from lead poisoning. The only risk is from sunburn in the Summer and windburn in the Winter!


  • The club provides target stands, paper targets and patches for you to use.


  • You are entitled to use the range as often as you wish.


  • You can join in any organized club activities such as the rifle group who shoot on Saturday mornings, the shotgun group, the Cowboys and of course pistol shooting.


  • You can participate in training if you wish and become a competent shooter.


  • All training is at no extra cost to you.


  • You can become a qualified Club Range Officer and act as a Range Officer.


  • The club runs pistol training courses and has club and Pistol NZ qualified trainers.


  • You may bring a maximum of two guests with you to shoot or spectate and they must be under your direct supervision at all times. Cost is $20 per guest. Guests MUST wear the printed Yellow Guest Sticker


  • You can bring non shooting guests to the range to enjoy a picnic.


  • You can fish in the Lake.


  • You can even camp overnight, by arrangement.