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Visitor Instructions


Vistors are not permitted to visit the range unless they have a confirmed reservation booking.

Bookings are available only on SATURDAYS from 12.00noon for rifle and 10.00am Sundays for pistol.

Visitors must apply for a reservation first.

Reservations close at on the preceding Friday.

  • Upon arrival all visitors must

    • Leave your Firearms in your vehicle before entering the range.

    • Wait Outside the Club Rooms for the Duty Range Officer.

  • You must present your Firearms License to the Duty RO.

  • Do NOT roam around the ranges unless accompanied by another club member

  • Do NOT enter any ranges unless accompanied by another club member 

  • The Range Duty Officer will ensure you have paid the range fee of $40 per person,  step you through the Range Sign in process and issue you with a visitor/guest sticker which must be worn at all times.
  • We do not have credit card or EFTPOS facilities so cash only so you must take cash with you. The nearest vending machine is in Waiuku.

  • You must take your own eye and ear protection and any refreshments you may require.

  • Toilet facilities for men and women are available at the range.

  • You must also take your own targets, stapler ammo etc, all the club will provide is target stands for you to staple targets onto.

  • Whilst at the range you must comply with the instructions of the Duty RO. If you fail to comply you will be asked to leave the range.

  • You must check with the Duty RO what firearms you can shoot. Each range is limited to certain firearm conditions. Short barrel or heavy calibre rifles will almost certainly come into this category.

  • If you have others with you who do not have a firearms license, you are responsible for their conduct at all times.

  • Pets are not welcome on the range.


    To make a booking, Please Click Here